
Nick Waldron & Sean McShane

Nick Waldron & Sean McShane
Feeling at home in their new jobs found through PCSEPP

It all started when Nick Waldron toured Ocean State Book Binding to learn more about what it might be like to work in a warehouse. This was one of several work environments he had visited as part of his goal of finding a job he would enjoy.

At Ocean State, he liked what he saw: a core group of people working, no crowds of customers like he’d seen in retail environments, and work that seemed well-suited. He began to really relax when he toured the break room, and a mural of the New England Patriots caught his eye – Nick is a really big fan!

What began as a tour to gather information, that very day, turned into a job offer, when owner Bruce Boyarsky invited Nick onto the team. He was looking for someone with the same skills as Nick, and Nick who was starting to feel right at home, accepted the offer on the spot.

Within a short time, at Bruce’s invitation, Sean McShane also toured and landed a job at Ocean State Book Binding. Both men work folding and arranging small towels on a carboard sheet that is packaged along with smart notebooks for wiping the pages.

Sean is thrilled with his new job. He loves that he can wear comfortable clothes, likes his coworkers and enjoys the companionship of a canine friend at his workplace. Both Sean and Nick love animals and the Patriots, they like starting the day with a fist-pump from co-worker Dave, and camaraderie throughout their shift with fellow Patriots fans.

It was through their participation in the Person-Centered Supported Employment Performance Program (PCSEPP) at AccessPoint that this work opportunity came their way. PCSEPP takes a whole-person approach, not only building skills and developing confidence, but also supporting each person to find the right match for their personality and work preferences. It’s this clear focus on doing all of the careful work of helping someone discover where they would feel most at home, that helps make all the difference.

Says Sean about his job, “I really like the dog, getting a paycheck and my own money. Folding towels is good work to do.” He says he’s happy and likes the people he works with. For Nick, he’s glad he works with the floor manager, Dave, and all of the Patriots fans and he likes having a paycheck.

Nick’s mother, Cathy Silva says, “I am very proud of Nick… It makes my heart happy because he continuously tells me how happy he is. He has a sense of accomplishment and new friends. . . We just think PCSEPP is a great thing. As part of PCSEPP, he also takes classes every Friday and is learning a lot as well.”

Says AccessPoint PSCEPP Coordinator and Employment Developer, Jennifer Quintana, “Nick has made real changes through his participation. Previously he’d been uncertain about going out into the workforce. The ‘I Want to Work’ classes played a good part in encouraging him. He felt he had the skills and deserved to get a job.”

We spoke to Nick and Sean just after a payday. They were happy to have their checks, and each had plans to go out and buy some new clothes, making good use of the rewards of a job well done.