
Cornerstone Team

Cornerstone’s Rich Learning Environment
Inspiring Joy in Learning

Cornerstone’s standards-based curriculum, The Unique Learning System, creates a rich, multi-sensory learning environment. Our students have adaptive access to the same curriculum topics taught throughout Rhode Island schools. Cornerstone’s curriculum fully accommodates the diverse needs of students with significant disabilities.

This award-winning curriculum was selected as the basis for Cornerstone’s academic framework because of its outstanding emphasis on providing multiple approaches to learning. We offer students many different ways to engage with each topic. Students grow as they explore diverse interactive learning units and many options for self-expression.

In addition to the academic program, Cornerstone also provides opportunities for students to participate in:

  • Weekly music classes
  • Swimming at the YMCA
  • Pet therapy
  • Special Olympics

In the summer months we also offer:

  • Therapeutic horseback riding
  • Adaptive sailing

Cornerstone students benefit from a partnership with Cranston Area Career and Technical Center Internship program. Throughout the school year students at Cranston High School provide mentoring and peer- modeling for Cornerstone students while developing friendships and relationships.

For more information, contact:
Nicole Doucette
401-942-2388 Ext 304